Wait, what day is it?

The first day back is tough, yo.

Wait. Today was the 2nd Monday back? Well, that about sums up my brain right now!

Obviously I super-love technology, especially when it makes my classroom better. I talk about it with the kids ALL. THE. TIME. About how in the “old days” (I have 7 years now, so I can say that) we used to have to do such-and-such, but now with our magical wireless+iPads (which seriously work almost all the time, which is some kind of public school technology miracle) the world is our oyster.

So when the kids were taking some lame-o district survey about technology or whatever, I was all like “pfff, my kids are the best at this. Our results are going to be outliers of AWESOME.” I failed to take into account the fact that they are still sixth graders, with sixth grade brains, and so when they got to a question about whether or not they have wireless at home I was somehow surprised that hands were raised to ask me what wireless is.

What. Is. Wireless?!?!

As you do an online survey on your iPad?!?!

From our wireless classroom where we download and upload things EVERY DAY?!?!

And where we talk about how to manage our downloading and uploading so as not to clog up THE WIRELESS?!

Don’t worry. I am superprofessional, and I believe in guiding students to find the answers in their own brains (BECAUSE THE ANSWERS ARE THERE!!! THEY ARE THERE!!!). So I said, well, do you plug anything in to use the Internet? And a sweet smile of realization dawned on their face as they saw that yes, they do know what wireless is.


At least I have a student who wore these pants to school today.

I would be a sixth grader again if I could wear those pants. And I would have confidence in my answer to the wireless question.

EdTech Ninja

Using educational technology makes me feel so boss-tastic, like I am the most impressive and engaging teacher of 6th grade EVARRRR!!!

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Embedding student and parent surveys into my improved class website?  Piece of cake, and it collects authentic data in the blink of an eye. Communicating from school to home? Never been easier, and I can showcase my approachable voice through a stunning interactive experience. Those pesky weekly reading logs? A thing of the past with a new embedded response form that will collate and analyze student responses for me! I AM THE MASTER OF TECH!!!

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My district is piloting the use of 1:1 iPads for students this year (that means each student has their own iPad), but unfortunately, my school is not a pilot site. Sad face. Next year, however, we are told that it will roll out district-wide, so I’m just biding my time.

The best part about the 1:1 for my classroom will be online field trips. We study ancient history, and there are 800 million awesome sites to explore! I’m looking forward to the day when my students won’t be limited to one quick trip through the British Museum’s amazing Egypt stuff (for example).

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The kiddos will also be able to create really neat-looking projects, like web-based posters with text, images, video, and sound. 1:1 online access will also mean 100% online multiple-choice stuff that can be instantly graded. This is not always applicable, but is SO USEFUL when it’s appropriate!

This brain dump only scratches the surface, but mainly I wanted to share how excited about tech I am. It is such the best.

Bunch of Books

So, these are the books I want to bring to Oregon. ...Time for a Kindle, maybe?

I’m SO EXCITED for Friday!!! I’m getting ready, but I have a slight problem… (see above–I haven’t been to the library for awhile, ok?!). I have to bring something along to fill the hours that Joel’s at work, don’t I?

In other news, the kittens are back safe to the humane society, and they were very impressed with their increased cute-factor since they were last there. Ta da!

Two more days…